2012년 1월 9일 월요일


  Manchester United (Man U) had won to their rival Manchester City (Man City), also they revenged last game which Man U lost by 6-1. January 8th, at Man City's home ground, Man U scored 3 goals, so they could step in to next FA cup. They'll have match with Liverpool.
  Many batters thought that both of teams will have a tight match, however, batter's exceptation was broken down. In early time, Man U scored, and it caused a slugfest. Last game, Man U had lost by Man City as    6-1. By today's match, Man U could revenge Man City.

  Korea's player Ji Sung Park was on the bench, however, by the tight schedule, he had a time for rest. Also, there were big controversy which was about referee. Controversy had started at Man City's red card, finally it end to handling wrong refereeing.

 Lee, Suk Moo. "Manchester United had revenge to Manchester City by Rooney's goals."(Online)Janurary
 ( visited: January 9, 2012)

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